Saturday, October 21, 2017

Oh The Things You Will See on Mulberry Street...

Mark came home last night for a family event. This morning I hopped on the truck and rode to Joplin with him, as he was coming by the house on his way to North Platte, Ne.  While at Petro Truck Stop in Joplin, we came across a beautiful site... Anheuser Busch Clydesdales in three trucks.  Those beautiful animals were living large in their special equipped trailers, each with their own stalls and supply of hay for their snacking pleasure. They all stood tall and proud, like they knew they were royalty.  Their drivers may have been inside the building, but they were causing quite a stir among the people in the parking lot.  What a great way to spend the morning with my honey.  I love trucking.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

11 States in 4 Days...

Buffalo was great, but the drive thru the Appalachians was breath-taking. From Pennsylvania to South Carolina, we had a tour of fall in all its splendor. Around every turn; over every hill splashes of red, yellow, and orange met us.
We started our day before the sun came up. The sunrise was another gift from our magnificent creator, showing us what He could do.  When we got to Charlotte, NC, we turned right, heading East to the small town of Marion, NC.  Mark had some important people waiting for him, his mother and one of his sisters. I enjoyed seeing him get more and more excited the closer we got to them.
After lunch from our favorite Mexican place   a tour of his truck, and big bear hugs from mom, we headed south to Georgia.  So far, we have been in Missouri,Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania,  West Virginia, Virginia,  North Carolina,  South Carolina,  and Georgia.
Atlanta.... I don't like Atlanta. This country girl doesn't do well with 6 to 8 lanes of traffic.
We landed in Kewana, Mississippi, ending a long day with the home made cobbler and SOUTHERN SWEET TEA.  😍

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

I'm In a New York State of Mind.

Good morning from the top of the country.... Buffalo, N.Y.. What can I say, other than "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore." We pulled into General Mills late and spent the night in the drop yard. That was just fine except, um well there were no bathrooms. You guessed it.... Mark says I'm a real trucker now.

We went from one General Mills location to another General Mills location, 2 miles down the road. We were picking up a load going to  Social Circle, Georgia. With Buffalo being a port of entry, security was strict. Standing at the counter, with 1 inch glass between us and the staff, we listened to the many dos and don'ts we were to follow while on the premises, as well as show so much identification that I was worried they were going to ask me for my first born grandchild. We all know THAT would not happen.  If i had to chose between being on the truck with Mark, or giving up Gus... well... sorry Mark.

After dropping the trailer we had and picking up the trailer waiting for us, we were ready to go back thru security and head out.  In the moments that followed, I learned that it IS possible to squeeze an 18 wheeler between a building wall and a moving train, with VERY LITTLE room for error.
I also learned that if you are a great driver, which did I mention my trucker is one of the best, it is also possible to make a 270 degree left hand turn in an 18 wheeler, with nobody or no property getting hurt. WHOOT!!  I love my trucker.

The leaves are starting to turn their beautiful reds, yellows, and oranges. We will be  heading down along the Allegheny Mountain range. Hopefully we will have a front row seat to the beauty of God's handywork.
Who knows we might even stop in North Carolina and see Mark's mama.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Ready to Roll

Today I start a 9 day adventure with my trucker. I am so excited, because this morning I didn't have to say goodbye. I was able to take my post to his right side, click my seatbelt into place and say. "Let's roll!" That was after the fiasco of just getting ready.  After getting our 17 y.o. out of bed at 6am (So he could drop us off), running thru Starbucks... because every road trip MUST start with coffee, spilling said coffee all over the floor of the truck (did I mention I used a rewards coupon for a VENTI sugary drink), unpacking our food for 2 weeks into the fridge and cupboards, making a super fast walk to Wal-Mart for that last forgotten item...AND.... my sweet trucker buying me ANOTHER coffee, we were finally ready.  Off to Kansas City to drop off paper somewhere down by the Missouri River by 11am.  "Where to next", we asked.
Nancy, his asset manager sent him a beautiful run to Buffalo, New York!! I'm finally going to get out of Kansas. Thank you, Nancy. You are my new favorite superhero. 🚀  Next question, can we make it by 11 pm tomorrow night?  Yes.... No.... Yes... Maybe...YES!

Stay tuned. New York. here I come!!!