Monday, October 9, 2017

Ready to Roll

Today I start a 9 day adventure with my trucker. I am so excited, because this morning I didn't have to say goodbye. I was able to take my post to his right side, click my seatbelt into place and say. "Let's roll!" That was after the fiasco of just getting ready.  After getting our 17 y.o. out of bed at 6am (So he could drop us off), running thru Starbucks... because every road trip MUST start with coffee, spilling said coffee all over the floor of the truck (did I mention I used a rewards coupon for a VENTI sugary drink), unpacking our food for 2 weeks into the fridge and cupboards, making a super fast walk to Wal-Mart for that last forgotten item...AND.... my sweet trucker buying me ANOTHER coffee, we were finally ready.  Off to Kansas City to drop off paper somewhere down by the Missouri River by 11am.  "Where to next", we asked.
Nancy, his asset manager sent him a beautiful run to Buffalo, New York!! I'm finally going to get out of Kansas. Thank you, Nancy. You are my new favorite superhero. 🚀  Next question, can we make it by 11 pm tomorrow night?  Yes.... No.... Yes... Maybe...YES!

Stay tuned. New York. here I come!!!

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